Sunday, February 28, 2010


M51, 40 shots @ 90 seconds. Gain 25. C8

Fast moving comet

Took a shot of Comet Holmes with The Comet Catcher. 5.5 inch f3.64.. No filters. Orion Starshoot. 30 Shots at 10sec each..Captured and processed with Nebulosity.

Second shot of Comet Holmes with The Comet Catcher. 5.5 inch f3.64.. Used a comet filter. Orion Starshoot Camera, 30 Shots at 15 Sec each.  These 2 shots were taken within minutes of each other. Notice how far the comet moved away from the star that is just below the core. Captured and processed with Nebulosity.

Do Light pollution filters really work?

This is a single 5 min RAW file using the Comet Catcher, StarShoot camera and NO Skyglow filter. No modification to the shot was done. No dark subtract or any other type of processing. Shows how bad the glow is when not using a light pollution filter....

This is a single 5 min RAW file using the Comet Catcher, StarShoot camera with the Skyglow filter. No modification to the shot was done. No dark subtract or any other type of processing. Shows how well the Orion Skyglow filter works... Or any light pollution filter for that matter.

Real happy with this Shot

Ring nebulae. Celestron 8 with starshoot camera with .5 reducer and skyglow filter. 10x30 sec
Now That's Cold!!

Scope performed well. Powertank 17 didn't like it to much so I had to switch to a different power source. 17.1 degress F.


M109 captured and processed using Nebulosity 2 and Guided with PHD using the Orion Autoguider. 30 shots total, 10 min subs each with a total 4hrs of lum.